Messages: 446

Je suis un petit retraité
re.Je voudrais simplement que l'on me dise ce qu'il faut changer et ou le changer. Je vous mets le code mais il sera en 2 parties, car ici la totalité ne passe pas. Merci. <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- // Use Freely as long as following disclaimer is intact :: //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Cross Browser Multi-Directional Scroller v1.1 18th January 2005 // This script written by Rik Comery. // For support, visit the "Resources" section at // All rights reserved. Article = new Array; i=0; /* DEFINE SCROLLER ELEMENTS Define new scroller elements here in the following format. Article[i] = new Array ("display text", "URL", "frame target to load link in");i++ Note: If you do not want the item to be a link, change the URL value to "none". */ <? $numb=0; for ($i=0;$i<$j;$i++) { for ($k=0;$k<$layout['nb_feat_hp'];$k++) { if ($name[$numb]!="") { ?> Article[i] = new Array ("<div class='feat3'><div class='c1feat' style='padding: 3px;'><b> » </b><a href='<?=$site_url.processLink('auctiondetails', array('itemname' => $name[$numb], 'id' => $id[$numb]));?>'><? echo titleResize($name[$numb]);?></a></div><a href='<?=$site_url.processLink('auctiondetails', array('itemname' => $name[$numb], 'id' => $id[$numb]));?>'><img src='<? echo (($pic[$numb]!="")?"makethumb.php?pic=".$pic[$numb]."&w=".$layout['w_feat_hp']."&sq=Y":"themes/".$setts['default_theme']."/img/system/noimg.gif");?>' border='0' alt='<?=$name[$numb];?>' vspace='3' hspace='3'></a><div class='smallfont c2' style='padding: 3px;'><b><?=strtoupper($lang[startbid]);?>:</b> <? echo displayAmount(getSqlField("SELECT * FROM probid_auctions WHERE id='".$id[$numb]."'","bidstart"),$currency[$numb]);?><br><b><?=$lang[currbid];?>:</b> <? echo displayAmount(getSqlField("SELECT * FROM probid_auctions WHERE id='".$id[$numb]."'","maxbid"),$currency[$numb]);?><br><b><?=$lang[ends];?>:</b> <? echo displaydatetime(getSqlField("SELECT * FROM probid_auctions WHERE id='".$id[$numb]."'","enddate"),$setts['date_format']);?></div></div>", "<?=$site_url.processLink('auctiondetails', array('itemname' => $name[$numb], 'id' => $id[$numb]));?>", "");i++; <? $numb++; } } } ?> /////// Article[i] = new Array ("Welcome to Ricom Productions", "", "_blank");i++ orientation = "vertical" // Orientation of scroller (Horizontal or vertical) scrollerWidth = "200" // Width of entire scroller. scrollerHeight = "1800"; // Height of Scroller. borderWidth = 5 // Width of border. (use 0 for no border). borderColour = "#7EF3E3" // Colour of scroller border. (Use either hexadecimal or text values. e.g. "#FF0000" or "Red") backColour = "F9F6AC" // Colour of scroller background. (Use either hexadecimal or text values. e.g. "#FF0000" or "Red") staticColour = "#FFFFFF" // Colour of scroller items that are NOT a link. (including scrollerDivider characters) stopScroll = 1 // Pause the scroller on mouseOver. (use 0 for no.) textAlignment="center" // Alignment of each scroller item. Only really makes a difference on vertical scroller // (center, left, right, justify) // Scroller Links linkFont = "arial" // Font of scroller links; linkWeight = "normal" // Weight of scroller links; linkColour = "#FFFFFF" // Colour of scroller links linkSize = "1" // Size of links (in points) linkDecoration = "none" // Decoration of links. (underline, overline, none) // Scroller Links On MouseOver slinkFont = "Tahoma" // Font of scroller links; slinkWeight = "normal" // Weight of scroller links; slinkColour = "#FFFFFF" // Colour of scroller links slinkSize = "" // Size of links (in points) slinkDecoration = "none" // Decoration of links. (underline, overline, none) scrollerDivider = "<div><img src='themes/<?=$setts['default_theme'];?>/img/pixel.gif' width='1' height='5'></div>" // Character to place between each scroller item. // <img> tags can be used if an image is required. // Use "0" for nothing. For Vertical scrollers, it is best to use "<br>" /* Because Netscape version 4 does not support this scroller, configure the values below so NS4 users do not see an error. In the scroller's place will be a static title which can be a link if require. The appearance of the static text (colour, scroller border etc) will be exactly the same as for the working version in other browsers. */ ns4Text = "Click Here to view our articles"; // Alternative text to display in Netscape 4. ns4URL = ""; // URL of link in NS4. If no URL is required, enter "none" ns4Target = "_top"; // Frame target for link in NS4 ////// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Browser Sniffer var isIE = (document.getElementById && document.all)?true:false; var isNS4 = (document.layers)?true:false; var isNS6 = (document.getElementById && !document.all)?true:false; var isLoaded=false; // Build the scroller and place it on the page function buildScroller() { if(isNS4){ scroller='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="'+scrollerWidth+'" bgcolor="'+borderColour+'"><tr><td>' scroller+='<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%" height="'+scrollerHeight+'" bgcolor="'+backColour+'"><tr><td align="center" nowrap><p>'; if(ns4URL.toLowerCase()!="none"){scroller+='<a href="'+ns4URL+'" class="rcScroller" target="'+ns4Target+'">'+ns4Text+'</a>';} else{scroller+=ns4Text;} scroller+='</p></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>' }else{ scroller='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:'+scrollerWidth+';height:'+scrollerHeight+';border:'+borderWidth+'px solid '+borderColour+';background-color:'+backColour+'">'; scroller+='<tr valign="middle"><td><div id="div" style="'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='height:'+scrollerHeight+';';} scroller+='width:'+scrollerWidth+'; position:relative; background-color:'+backColour+'; overflow:hidden">'; scroller+='<div id="div1" style="position:relative; left:0; z-index:1">'; scroller+='<table border="0" name="table" id="table"'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='style="width:'+scrollerWidth+'"';} scroller+='><tr>'; y=0; while (y<4) { for (x=0; x<(Article.length); x++) { if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='<tr>';} scroller+='<td '; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="horizontal"){scroller+='nowrap';} if(stopScroll==1){scroller+=' onMouseOver="stopScroller();" onMouseOut="setWidth()"';} scroller+='><p>'; if(Article [1].toLowerCase()!="none"){scroller+='<a class="rcScroller" href="'+Article[1]+'" target="'+Article[2]+'" >'+Article+'</a>'; }else{scroller+=Article;} scroller+='</p></td>'; if(orientation.toLowerCase()=="vertical"){scroller+='</tr>';} if(scrollerDivider.toLowerCase() != "none"){scroller+='<td nowrap><p>'+scrollerDivider+'</p></td>';} } y++ } scroller+='</tr></table></div></div></td></tr></table>'; } document.writeln(scroller); } |